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2. 기계상 홈페이지에서 GID로 찾는다.


남선하이테크(주)/광주남선 전문 대리점
Home > 스펙검색 > 산업용로봇
야스가와 YASKAWA Electric Corp. 산업용로봇 EA1400N/EA1400TN
  • 모델명EA1400N/EA1400TN
  • 카테고리산업용로봇
  • 제조사야스가와 YASKAWA Electric Corp.
  • 등록일2008-06-09
  • 수정일2009-08-26
  • 스펙조회2,236
  • Efficient robot and torch design optimizes cycle time
  • "Thru-arm" cable design extends cable life; backed by a one-year torch cable warranty
  • Streamlined design improves torch access into tight spaces
  • In-line shock sensor protects welding torch
  • Quick, easy changeover of torch and cable
  • Floor-, wall-, and ceiling-mounting options
Model EA1400N/EA1400TN
Structure Vertical articulated type
Controlled Axes 6
Payload 3 kg (6.6 Ibs.)
Vertical Reach 2,427 mm (95.6")
Horizontal Reach 1,390 mm (54.7")
Repeatability ±0.08 mm (0.003")
Maximum Motion Range S-Axis(Turning/Sweep) ±170°
L-Axis(Lower Arm) +155° /-90 °
U-Axis(Upper Arm) +190°/-175°
R-Axis(Wrist Roll) ±150°
B-Axis(Bend/Pitch/Yaw) ±180°/-45°
T-Axis(Wrist Twist) ±200°
Maximum Speed S-Axis 150°/s
L-Axis 160°/s
U-Axis 170°/s
R-Axis 340°/s
B-Axis 340°/s
T-Axis 520°/s
Approximate Mass 130 kg(286.7 Ibs.)
Brakes All axes
Power Consumption 1.5 kVA
Allowable Moment R-Axis 8.8N • m
B-Axis 8.8N • m
T-Axis 2.9N • m
Allowable Moment of Inertia R-Axis 0.27 kg • m2
B-Axis 0.27 kg • m2
T-Axis 0.03 kg • m2
▶ 정보 업데이트 : 2009-08-26
▶ 이 정보는 제조사의 정책에 의해 변경될 수 있습니다.