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Kawasaki Robotics, Inc. 산업용로봇 F Series Robots
  • 모델명F Series Robots
  • 카테고리산업용로봇
  • 제조사Kawasaki Robotics, Inc.
  • 등록일2008-06-09
  • 수정일2008-06-09
  • 스펙조회2,599
F Series Robots
FS02/03, FS6/10, FS20, FS30, FS45, FS60 and FC

Axes: 6 standard (7 optional)

Robot Arm Type: Articulated

Applications: Material handling, arc welding, sealant dispensing, clean room operation, and washing.

Basic Description: The Kawasaki F Series design is a direct response to our customers’ needs. There are 17 configuration variations that perform a wide range of applications including material handling, arc welding, sealant dispensing, clean room operation, and washing. The modular construction allows the customer to select from a wide variety of robot models and arm combinations for various reaches and payloads. This modular construction also allows for easy modification of existing F Series robots, by using common components. Due to their light weight and use of high output, high efficiency motors, the F Series is capable of moving at high speeds, which significantly decreases cycle times and increases productivity. The installation space requirement is very small, yet, with its wide range of motion, the work envelope is exceptionally large. The extremely slim arm construction allows the F Series robot to operate in confined areas that would otherwise be inaccessible to more bulky robots.

F Series Robots
FS Series

Model Axes Payload Horizontal Reach Vertical Reach Repeatability
FS 02N 6 (7)* 2 (5) 700 (28) 830 (33) ±0.03 (±0.001)
FS 03N 6 (7)* 3 (7) 700 (28) 830 (33) ±0.05 (±0.002)
FS 06N 6 (7)* 6 (13) 1102 (43) 1432 (57) ±0.05 (±0.002)
FS 06L 6 (7)* 6 (13) 1651 (65) 1981(78) ±0.1 (±0.004)
FS 10C 6 (7)* 10 (22) 1102 (43) 1432 (56) ±0.05 (±0.002)
FS 10E 6 (7)* 10 (22) 1551 (61) 1881 (74) ±0.1 (±0.004)
FS 10L 6 (7)* 10 (22) 1972 (78) 2392 (94) ±0.1 (±0.004)
FS 10X 6 (7)* 10 (22) 3052 (120) 3582 (141)  ±0.23 (± 0.009)
FS 20C 6 (7)* 20 (44) 1423 (56) 1843 (73) ±0.1 (±0.004)
FS 20N 6 (7)* 20 (44) 1773 (70) 2193 (86) ±0.1 (±0.004)
FS 30N 6 (7)* 30 (66) 1841 (73) 2371 (93) ±0.15 (±0.006)
FS 30L 6 (7)* 30 (66) 2269 (89) 2799 (110) ±0.15 (±0.006)
FS 45C 6 (7)* 45 (99) 1841 (73) 2371 (93) ±0.15 (±0.006)
FS 45N 6 (7)* 45 (99) 1970 (78) 2500 (99) ±0.15 (±0.006)
FS 60L 6 (7)* 60 (132 ) 2269 (89) 2799 (110) ±0.15 (±0.006)
* With traversing unit. kg (lbs) mm (in) mm (in) mm (in)

Horizontal Reach:
from the center of the base to the wrist flange surface.

Vertical Reach:
from the base installation level to the wrist flange surface.
▶ 정보 업데이트 : 2008-06-09
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