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주식회사 제일 전문 대리점
Home > 스펙검색 > 산업용로봇
FANUC 산업용로봇 F-100iA
  • 모델명F-100iA
  • 카테고리산업용로봇
  • 제조사FANUC
  • 등록일2008-06-10
  • 수정일2008-06-10
  • 스펙조회2,691
The FANUC Robot F-100iA is a programmable fixturing unit designed specifically for fixturing applications that require process flexibility, high accuracy and repeatability.

  • The F-100iA is a servo-controlled programmable fixturing unit. A system with mixed types of workpieces can be run with the same clamping jig, by using a program that identifies these workpieces.
  • The F-100iA significantly reduces the number of set-up processes to achieve a smooth model change with its excellent absolute accuracy, enabling the use of off-line programs with few modifications.
  • Its mechanical unit is comprised of separable basic module and wrist module, which can be exchanged per module for simple maintenance. The mechanical unit is resistant to welding sputter, grease, cleaner and water, for use in a tough environment.
  • It is controlled by the latest R-30iA, which can control up to 6 F-100iA.
Robot model F-100iA
Controlled axes 4 axes 5 axes
Max. load capacity at wrist 136kgf (1333N) at center of faceplate
Motion range J1 250mm (104)
500mm (104L)
250mm (105)
500mm (105L)
250mm (105S)
500mm (105LS)
J2 6.64rad (380deg)
J3 270mm
J4 12.56rad (720deg) 6.46rad (370deg) 12.56rad (720deg)
J5 - 3.14rad (180deg) 12.56rad (720deg)
Max. speed J1 200mm/s
J2 0.960rad/s (55deg/s)
J3 85mm/s
J4 1.22rad/s (70deg/s)
J5 - 0.436rad/s (25deg/s) 0.855rad/s (49deg/s)
Repeatability +/-0.035mm at 180mm from center of faceplate
Mechanical unit mass 111kg (104)
130kg (104L)
111kg (104)
130kg (104L)
111kg (104)
130kg (104L)
Application Arc welding - - -
Spot welding x x x
Handling - - -
Sealing - - -
Assembling - - -
Others Fixturing
  • Max. static load capacity at wrist:
    158kgf (1548N) at center of faceplate
  • Max. impulse load capacity at wrist:
    180kgf (1764N) at center of faceplate
  • Accuracy: 0.25mm at 180mm from center of faceplate

Controller is R-30iA.

▶ 정보 업데이트 : 2008-06-10
▶ 이 정보는 제조사의 정책에 의해 변경될 수 있습니다.