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* 가장 빨리 원하는 제품을 찾는 방법!

1. 주소입력창에 "기계상"만 입력한다.
2. 기계상 홈페이지에서 GID로 찾는다.


남선기계 전문 대리점
Home > 스펙검색 > 산업용로봇
야스가와 YASKAWA Electric Corp. 산업용로봇 DIA10
  • 모델명DIA10
  • 카테고리산업용로봇
  • 제조사야스가와 YASKAWA Electric Corp.
  • 등록일2008-06-18
  • 수정일2009-08-26
  • 스펙조회2,437
Features & Benefits
  • Both robot arms can work together to accomplish intricate tasks
  • Single NX100 robot controller direct movement of all axes of the robot
  • Handles 10 kg (22.1 lb) payload per arm; 20 kg (44.1 lb) payload possible when using both arms
  • Best-in-class wrist performance characteristics for your most demanding material handling tasks
  • Repeatability: ±0.1 mm (±0.004")
  • Reach: 1,100 mm (43.3") per arm from centerline of base rotation to tool mounting surface
  • Opens up a wide range of applications to be performed by robots
  • Thru-arm hose and cable routing
Model DIA10
Structure Articulated
Mounting Floor
Controlled Axes 15(7 axes per arm and 1 rotary axis)
Payload 10 kg (22.1 Ibs)/arm
Horizontal Reach per Arm 1,100 mm (43.3")
Vertical Reach 1,440 mm (56.7")
Repeatability ±0.1 mm (±0.004")
Maximum Motion Range Rotation-Axis(Waist) ±180°
S-Axis(Lifting) ±180°
L-Axis(Lower Arm) ±120°
7th-Axis(Lower Arm Twist) ±180°
U-Axis(Upper Arm) ±130°
R-Axis(Upper Arm Twist) ±180°
B-Axis(Wrist Pitch/Yaw) ±100°
T-Axis(Wrist Twist) ±180°
Maximum Speed Turning-Axis 170°/s
S-Axis 170°/s
L-Axis 170°/s
7th-Axis 170°/s
U-Axis 170°/s
R-Axis 250°/s
B-Axis 250°/s
T-Axis 500°/s
Approximate Mass 220 kg(485.1 Ibs)
Power Consumption 4.2 kVA
Allowable Moment R-Axis 31.4 N • m
B-Axis 31.4 N • m
T-Axis 19.6 N • m
Allowable Moment of Inertia R-Axis 1 kg • m2
B-Axis 1 kg • m2
T-Axis 0.4 kg • m2
▶ 정보 업데이트 : 2009-08-26
▶ 이 정보는 제조사의 정책에 의해 변경될 수 있습니다.